Specialist trader of nonferrous metals and producer of metal roofing materials.


Lead(chemical symbol Pb atomic number 82)

Features of Lead
It has a pale brilliance and in Japan lead used to be called blue-metal from this color quality. Nowadays, lead is used for lead-acid batteries, to increase the ease of cutting of metals, lead glass (optical lenses and crystal glass), craftwork, soundproofing and damping sheets, bullets and electrical materials (lead titanate). Further, due to its relative heaviness among the metals it is also used in lead glass and lead sheets as a shield from radiation.

Lead sheets stock list
Thickness size 1.00 Weight of 1㎡(Kg)
1000x2000 1000x5000
0.5   5.7
0.8   9.1
1.0   11.4
1.5 17.0
2.0 22.7
3.0   34.0

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