Specialist trader of nonferrous metals and producer of metal roofing materials.

Pure building titanium

Titanium super AP from Kobe Steel

Titanium stripsFukusen-ji Tenple

Standard: JIS H4600 Pure titanium KS40S (JIS category 1) Material production (Low polish AP)
Producer: Kobe Steel, Ltd.
Certificate of incombustibility: Approved by Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport NM-8596
Features of Super AP
Titanium is resistant to corrosion meaning that it will never corrode in natural environments and is the perfect roofing material for the harsh conditions in coastal and hot spring regions. Further, it has many benefits including its lightness (half the weight of copper), its low heat expansion (half that of stainless steel), and its minimal effect on the environment due to low levels of elution. Super AP from Kobe Steel takes these features of titanium to an even higher level. Details of each of these are below.
Color change
Titanium changes color through the abnormal growth of oxidized film on the surface. Controlling this abnormal growth requires the surface to be clean. Super AP by Kobe Steel seldom changes color due to the dirty layers being completely removed.
A solid color with less variation in brilliance
Metal sheets can appear more black or white due to surface brilliance. This variation is due to the roughness of the surface. At Kobe Steelworks they use a unique facility to make the metal as rough as a crystal grain, controlling this brilliance.
Undistorted and soft titanium
Super AP by Kobe Steel is made into fine grains the size of crystal grains through its quick annealing, making the titanium ideal for roofing. It has few blemishes and is soft.

Physical properties of Titanium and other materials

Pure titanium Iron SUS304 Aluminum Copper Glass
Relative weight 4.51 7.9 8.0 2.7 8.9 2.4
Melting point(℃) 1668 1530 1400 660 1083 800
Young’s modulus(GPa) 106 192 199 69 117  98 
Electric conduction(compared to Cu) 3.1 18.0 2.4 64 100 
Expansion factor(x10⁻⁶/℃) 8.4 12 17 23 17 
Relative heat(J/Kg・K) 520 460 500 880 390 1050

Properties of Titanium
Property Example
Outstanding corrosion resistance Complete resistance to sea water
Light 60% lighter than stainless steel
Hardly any heat expansion 50% less expansion than stainless steel
High electric conductivity 30 times as conductive as copper
Incombustibility Certificate of Incombustibility (Number NM-8596)
Designability Color change achieved through anodic oxidation
Reference: Kobe Steel titanium catalogue

Titanium catalogueLinkIconTitanium catalogue_pdf(891KB)

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Titanium stock list

Titanium stock list
Thickness (mm)  Category Width (mm) Length (mm) Weight of 1m(Kg/m)
0.30 TR270 455 COIL 0.62
914 COIL 1.24
 0.40  TR270 914 COIL 1.65

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